Discover the World of Muscle Testing


Is muscle testing weird?

Some people are skeptical towards things they don’t have any experience or knowledge of. Many years ago people thought the world was flat because that was what they saw around them. In the same way, when people meet muscle testing for the first time and they can’t see how it works, they might judge it as ‘weird’. In my experience muscle testing is profound – it has transformed and empowered my life.

How it began

Muscle testing was evolved by Dr John Thie and Dr George Goodheart who met at a chiropractic convention in Los Angeles in 1965. They worked together developing the relationship between muscles, meridians and organs. By 1970 John Thie synthesised and shared what came to be known as ‘Touch for Health‘ as a guide to natural health and an alternative to unnecessary drugs and surgery. He wanted to make the knowledge available so lay people could become aware of there bodies and help their loved ones. Touch for Health classes are taught around the world –  thanks to Dr Bruce and Joan Dewe who brought this knowledge to New Zealand.

How it has evolved

Originally muscle testing was used to balance the energy systems in the body but it has evolved into a highly effective tool to communicate with the body and subconscious mind. Before utilising muscle testing there are some important ‘pre-tests’ to ensure that accurate information is being received.

Which muscle is used?

Any muscle can be tested but it is easiest to use an arm muscle. The arm is put in a position to shorten (or contract) the specific muscle being tested and while the individual holds it there, the tester applies a very gentle pressure for about four seconds. If the arm stays in position the muscle has locked and tests strong. If the arm moves, the muscle has unlocked and shows weak. It’s like the dowsing response of a pendulum that goes in different directions for positive and negative feedback.

Registered Kinesiologist’s Qualifications

Practitioner accreditation involves four years kinesiology study plus anatomy and physiology. This now forms part of the NZQA National Framework (and the equivalent in other countries) to become a Registered Kinesiologist.

What is Kinesiology?

The word ‘kinesiology’ comes from a Greek word meaning knowledge of the human system, the moving parts, the kinetic systems, the muscles, tendons and bones.

Kinesiology uses muscle biofeedback (or testing) to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind. There is only one legitimate source of knowledge about becoming the person you’ve always dreamed of being and that source is you. You have the freedom to make choices about how you want your future health, wealth and happiness to be.

Our inner consciousness is our most powerful force. It determines who we really are and is the main factor in determining our health and peace of mind. The innate intelligence that runs the body is connected to universal intelligence that runs the world, so each person is plugged into the universal intelligence through the nervous system. Our muscles get their energy from our electrical system or acupuncture meridians, which connect with our autonomic nervous system. In that way we can use muscle testing to communicate with our bodies and our world. As we re-programme our inner attitudes the results are reflected back to us in our relationships and our life.

If a person is unable to co-operate in the muscle testing process, it is possible to use a ‘surrogate’ or third person. If you touch an electric fence, the electrical signal will pass through you so that someone who touches you will get the shock. In the some way, it is possible to test a baby by muscle testing the mother who is holding the baby.

How does it work?

Kinesiology is an effective and gentle way to reduce stress from any issue in your life. When you remove stress in an area, the resulting performance enhancement is enlightening. And since you are the only legitimate source of information about yourself, kinesiology uses muscle-testing as a tool to unlock the answers to any question you may have hidden within you. You can discover what you truly want and how you sabotage yourself from achieving it.

Kinesiology goes beyond testing muscles – it tests the feelings that can keep you locked in unproductive, unsatisfactory or addictive behaviour patterns. Some of these may have their origins in your past. ‘Age recession’ lets you to clear the stress back at its source, by time traveling back to the age when the problem started.

Muscle testing allows us to identify and change the attitudinal problems that are behind illness or disease. In fact it doesn’t matter what healing modality is used, if the mental and emotional aspects behind the problem are not dealt with, the therapy will not hold long term.

You can identify and clear the cause of just about any problem including allergies, addictions, aches and pains, lack of confidence or self esteem, learning and behavioural problems, weight and eating disorders, relationship conflicts, fears, sabotages and stress.

What happens in a Kinesiology session?

When a client comes for a session we first discuss what they want to change or what their goals are. Then using muscle bio-feedback I check a comprehensive list of pre-tests (like a warrant of fitness), from physical things like life energy and immunity to self esteem and prosperity. These are measured on a scale of 1 – 100, giving an accurate readout of the status quo. We can monitor the changes made during the kinesiology consultation by measuring them again at the end of the session.

There are over 200 different correction techniques to choose from to help clear cultural expectations and beliefs and subconscious sabotages which are causing problems. An individual programme is then designed for you to maintain these benefits. (This may include nutrition, biochemistry and attitudes that are tailor-made for you). Each personal session is usually an hour and is an enjoyable experience. In general, two or three sessions over a period of time may be all that is needed to reach your goal – sometimes it takes just one.

Will it improve your life?

Ask yourself where you want your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to be 20 years from now and whether you will achieve this by continuing what you are doing now. If you always do what you have always done, you’ll always get what you always got! Kinesiology can provide you with your own customised programme to reach your goals.


See the Kinesiology Testimonials.

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